Tips For Nannies When Looking After Infants In Toronto

26/05/2016 15:30

Looking after infants in Toronto is not as easy as the nanny jobs for toddlers and children. They are very fragile and need constant supervision and care. Nannies are expected to be vigilant when dealing with them. It may sound easy because they have not started crawling. But that is not the case. The infants need care of a different type.

Good Tips For Nannies

You must always have a form that has the necessary details. The necessary details will naturally be the contact number of the parents of the infant, the foods that you need to feed the baby, allergies the baby faces and the distress call number in Toronto. Once you start on your nanny job in Toronto, you must make sure that the baby is comfortable at all times. If the baby starts crying, nannies must first check their diapers. If the baby has soiled the diaper, you must change them into a fresh diaper. It is best if you learn how to best change diapers, you can learn in you tube or find a nanny friend who knows.

If the baby continues to cry, the second best guess is that they are hungry. You have to prepare the baby formula for them. In most cases the parents will show you how it is done. The general rule is to not to heat the formula in the microwave as it can cause scalding hot milk pockets. Check to see if the milk is in the right temperature by squirting on your wrist. If the temperature is right, you must prop the baby up slightly and gently stick the rubber nipple into the baby’s mouth. Take breaks between sips and use that time to burp them. Normally the baby will feel inclined to play in the morning and evenings. You can play with them gently and keep them away from small objects that they may put into their mouth. At this point you will not be able to take them to a park in Toronto.

Safety Measures You Can Take

When you are bathing the baby you must fill the tub with quarter volume lukewarm water. The baby should be sitting in the tub and not lying down. You have to use a washcloth and rinse the baby with it. You must never pour water on the baby. When you are finished dry the baby with a soft towel and apply lotion. You must change them into new diapers and then pajamas, it will be best to feed them and then put them to sleep. You can find a nanny friend in Toronto to help you out in the beginning with putting the baby to sleep.